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Notice Date:  October 15, 2024 


CEU’s 2024 AGM will be a hybrid meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.  


Tuesday, October 29  

6:00 pm to 7:30 pm 

Inn at the Quay  

900 Quayside Drive 

New Westminster, British Columbia 

For online attendance, please register here. Once registered, you will receive an email containing both the meeting details and the link.  Please save the email to join the AGM on October 29.  

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact CEU’s Communication Representative at ac.cb.uecobfsctd@snoitacinummoc.  


As per Article 10 of the Constitution and Bylaws, CEU is seeking three (3) Balloting Committee Members nominations for 2024-2025.  There will be open nominations from the floor during the AGM.  If you would like to express your interest in filling one of the positions prior to the meeting, please email CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at ac.cb.uecobfsctd@yraterces.  

Once nomination is closed and nominees have been determined, members at the AGM will then vote by written ballot and/or online ballot. 


In accordance with the CEU Constitution, Article 17 – Proxy Voting, members unable to attend the AGM shall be able to vote by proxy if: unable to attend because of medical or dental treatment; absence from work; on leave or vacation; absence from the area due to WCB business; compassionate reasons such as illness of a family member or other good cause.  The proxy is in writing via proxy form, attached to this notice.  Please submit completed proxy forms to the CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at ac.cb.uecobfsctd@yraterces no later than Friday, October 25, 2024, at 4:30 pm


  1. Proposed CEU Constitution & Bylaw amendments will be discussed at this AGM.  
  1. During the AGM, you will have the chance to vote on items, including:  
  1. Motion to destroy 2023 Elections ballots 
  1. Motion to appoint Manning & Elliott as 2024 auditor 
  1. Motion to approve 2023-2024 audited Financial Report 
  1. Motion to select new Balloting Committee 2024 
  1. For Members attending the AGM remotely, please refer to the email you have received upon registration.  It will contain the meeting details and the meeting link to join the AGM on October 29. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the AGM process, the Balloting Committee nomination, and/or Proxy voting, please contact CEU Secretary, Erin Guy, at ac.cb.uecobfsctd@yraterces

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